Friday, October 13, 2006

Update on Hell Week

After waking up at 5:45 each morning this week and working out, I'm sore as all get out. I'm not able to move my arms without them hurting. It feels like I gave 2 pints of blood out of each arm after being sticked with the needle 20 times before they found the vein. I must admit I know this exactly what my body needs and will continue for as long as I can. My wife has been the biggest help. She wakes up at the same time and says, "Go, you'll feel better if you do."

My next thing to work on will be my diet. I need to eat smaller servings and eat better as well. I will have to do this slowly otherwise I might reject it altogether. I feel proud of myself and know my body will thank me for it.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Today is officially Day One of Hell Week. This week I will wake up at 5:30 am and go to the gym. From the gym, I go straight to work (after showering of course). I woke up today at 5:37 and drove to gym. 15 minutes of the ellipitical and 45 minutes of working the back. Shower and change and go to work. I actually feel really good. My goal is to keep this up for the week and continue it thereafter. As many of you might have noticed, I have a few pounds I can spare to lose. This will definitely do that for me. I'm also off Dr. Pepper until further notice. Crystal Lite is now my best friend.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Work and Family

This last weekend we fried two whole chickens in a turkey fryer. It was a blast. My brother come over with his family and my mother-in-law was in town also. The whole process was fun. First heat the peanut oil to 350 degrees. Then throw in the two chicken with spices injected. The noise and the oil boiling was fantastic! This is the way food is supposed to be cooked, with loads of fanfare. Needless to say the kids were far away during this time. The smell was better than KFC or Popeyes.

After 30 minutes of cooking, the birds were ready to take out. The skin was a dark golden color with some spots browned from the touching the bottom of the pan. They tasted so scrumptious. The meat was tender and moist and just tested awesome. I highly recommend deep frying your fowl for the best flavor. The peanut oil also has no trans fatty acids, so the whole meal was healthy ;-)

As far as work is going, it's a big improvement over support. Come in when you want, do your job, don't take any annoying phone calls. Right now I have 4 folders on my desk that need to be converted either to Dentrix 11 or Ezd 2005. I'm in the middle of a DOS EZD conversion. I can't believe how barbaric the program is. It really is in the stone age. It's easy to use, but I can't imagine using it every day to run a dental practice.

Everyone in the department is a gamer. They seem to talk about WOW and other games and can't believe I don't play anything. I said I play Halo and they were like, "Amateur!" Anyway, I do not have time to play games and take care of family and school. Maybe later when things aren't as hectic, yeah right.