Friday, August 18, 2006


Here is a picture of American Service men and maybe women who have been killed in action in Iraq. I'm getting really tired of our fellow Americans getting blown apart to keep Iraq from falling into an outright civil war. I use to think President Bush knew what he was doing, I even voted for him twice, but I'm growing very tired of him. He's not doing a good job, domestically the U.S. is doing OK because he hasn't meddled with any thing serious.

I know things have to change in Washington, I just hope the country doesn't have too much a knee jerk and go totally liberal.

1 comment:

Gubi said...

I think that as soon as the presidency changes at the next election we will see things change. In all honesty as far as economics go, I think we need to return most jobs back to americans instead of Japan or Malaysia or where ever everything is being made these days. Back in the days we didnt rely on imports to do anything. We were self contained and didnt need anyones help to survive.

Think about it. If for some reason, everyone boycotted american buyers. Where would we be? We wouldnt have enough food or anything to survive for long.
I dont know exactly what the solution is, but something definitally needs to change.