Sunday, June 25, 2006

Britney Spears, Gross!

Previous image removed because of dry heaving.

Yeah, I know this isn't a contributing journalist's blog from People magazine, but I've had enough. And what I'm going to type can't be repeated in People anyway. The image above was taken from the online version of People. The printed quality is lot better, but you get the point.
Item number 1. Look at her knees and her calves. The knees are doubled, as in double chins. The lower calves are just plain big and fat. While I'm no size 6 petite, I wear conservative clothing while in public. I also don't depend on looks for my career (thank goodness). Now onto Kevin. Not only is his underwear showing and his wifebeater looking slimy,but look at the pager on his hip. What? You don't see one, neither do I because it's a freaking garage door opener! The word Genie is quite legible in the print edition. As can be seen, he has about 6 big pockets on his shorts, yet decides to put the garage door opener where he can impress everyone. I want to vomit!
Normally I don't care about celebrities or even read People magazine, but my wife bought one (magazine, not celebrity, I hate potty-training) and I had about 45 minutes to kill. I keep thinking that if we just ignore the Spears-Federline union, they would go away. But she is an attention whore and needs to be out and photographed. The word emnity is coming to my mind. (Quivers)
I wont be in work on Monday, I'm taking my daughter to Primarys for testing. One of her kidneys isn't draining correctly. Hopefully it's nothing serious.
Take care guys.

1 comment:

Kr5is said...

My dad had to search Britney Spears once at Salt Lake International, he told me that she looked like she was on drugs, and smelled like dead fish. I hate her, and wish her to die!!